Palm Beach Baseball Umpire Association, Inc.
It is important to understand this rule. Each year a crew misapplies...including Veteran officials.
TIME is started at FIRST pitch of the game. NOT at the plate meeting, NOT first warm up pitch.
No NEW inning is to start after 2 hours. If the inning starts, you must finish until the home team has come up to bat (if necessary).
This is not a DROP-DEAD time limit.
If working a double - header on Saturday, the first game is a 2-hour time limit, the second game has no time limit UNLESS the coaches agree to it.
Sub-varsity Limitations. In sub-varsity baseball games, no new inning shall start two hours after the first pitch of the game. Any inning in progress shall be completed. Exception 1: in a game delayed by weather, the delay time shall be added to the 2-hour timeframe. Example: Game starts at 3 p.m. and between the top and bottom of the third inning there is a 45-minute rain delay. No new inning will start after 5:45 p.m. Exception 2: when another game is not scheduled to follow the current game, if the score is tied after the two-hour limit has been reached, ADDITIONAL inning(s) SHALL be played to resolve the tie. Exception 3: Saturday games. In a double-header situation (ex. A Varsity contest following a sub-varsity contest), at the end of the two hour time limit, if the score is tied, the contest will end in a tie.
NOTE 1: There are several DHs on Saturday between the same two JV teams. The first game SHALL have a 2 hour time limit.
NOTE 2: WEEK DAYS, Monday through Friday ALWAYS has a time limit, EVEN if there was no school that day or no school the next day. FRIDAY is a weekday...and there is a TIME LIMIT. There has been confusion because no school on Saturday.
NOTE 3: JV County Tournament - played at the end of the JV season. NO TIME LIMIT on Saturday, first round of tournament. There is TIME LIMIT on the following weekdays of the tournament including the Championship Game.
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